
To do, or not to do?

I wonder if procrastination is learned or if it is genetic. Maybe a combination of the two, maybe I am genetically predisposed to being a procrastinator. If that is the case, what could be the benefit to that behavior. I don't waste energy and/or resources getting things done instead I leach off the efforts of others to survive. I guess from a survivalist view, there would be a benefit to doing only what is absolutely necessary. Wasting valuable energy on things that don't need to be done right now might be inefficient. At the same time it is immensely important to be prepared if one is to survive without depending solely on luck.
Then again it could be completely a learned activity, my whole life I have gotten by just fine waiting till the last moment. In ancient times maybe this activity would have been very problematic but in todays society one can get away with it just fine.
Well, time for class, so until next time.


Renaissance festivals

This past weekend I attended a Renaissance festival in southern Minnesota, I have to admit that it was my first time at such an advent and it was a different experience. It truly is difficult to explain, you see some people who must truly be delusional and think that they actually are from that time period. The people working there were interesting in their authentic to less than authentic costumes, like the guy working at the ax throwing booth who seemed to be stoned out of his mind and was trying to tell us about someone who hit themselves in the head with an ax earlier that day. There were also some very cool people there that had the ability to create some amazing crafts using, mostly, techniques developed hundreds of years ago. A good example of this was watching the glass blower, there were also handmade weapons, costumes, an other wares that were amazing (and over priced). The food stands seemed more contemporary but that was OK there were plenty of other things to do and see. The King of the Log game was fun to watch, these two kids stand on this log, each of them has a pillow case a quarter of the way full with sand, and they whack the hell out of each other until one of them falls off. I tried my hand at ax throwing, knife throwing, throwing stars, and archery. I wasn't good at any of it but still it was fun. I drank plenty of beer and got to watch all kinds of different people all in all it was a good time, a bit strange but fun.

I'm back

To all my loyal fans I am sorry it really has been too long. I haven't been anywhere and I has been OK. School and work have been great the only thing that has kept me from you is pure laziness. However I am working on this and hope to be less lazy in two months, that is just my goal there is no good reason for that time period. The only obstacle I see to achieving this goal is that I am also a habitual procrastinator. Well wish me luck.